After these initial effects have worn off and the heart rate has returned to normal, it is nice to rest. You may feel great physical strength, sharpened senses, and heightened mental alertness.Desirable after-effects like these may take a day to materialize or they could be immediate. They also tend to include a consistently elevated mood, increased physical and mental energy, decreased stress, and enhanced focus. Read more about Kambo sticks here. Many people choose to do 3days in a row for deep shifts – or within a short period of time. Others choose to do 3 sessions within a 28-day period (or moon cycle). This allows the body to godeeper with their own healing – as the Kambo works in an accumulative way when treatments are closer together. The effects are felt within seconds with a slight temperature rise and energetic rush in the crown.
After hearing such an ominous-sounding tagline I was even more nervous and fearful as the few remaining seconds ticked by until the ceremony began. Serious doubts cut through my peace of mind like a razor blade as I listened to other participants describe their previous experiences.
a kambô treatment
You can have some light herbal tea, water in this early am hours. If you’ve never experienced Kambo in this way I’d like to invite you to try. My trusty team of skilled practitioners invite you to our weekly Kambo ceremonies in London, here we lovingly guide you safely through this gentle process, leaving you cleansed, uplifted and reborn. One final point of note is that this Kambo protocol removes the need to drink two litres or more of water at any one time. Although rare, this can induce a potentially fatal condition called hyponatremia where the electrolytes in the body become too diluted. This fact alone makes a strong case for never drinking excessively large amounts of water in one go. This brings me on to the next pitfall of the water – It feels totally unnatural to drink such a large amount and makes yielding much more difficult.
Because You’re Tired of Feeling Tired
I waited and waited but it never came, in its place, a loving and cosy glow soothed me like a hot salt bath. Some Western facilitators have little or no indigenous training.
Need additional support to prepare or integrate an upcoming ceremony or retreat?
Overweight people may need more holes, up to 10, while kids or underweight individuals should start with 2 holes.Do not go over 100 mg in one day. Fasting hours before a ceremony is required for many reasons, including to prevent choking as the body’s tissue (including the esophagus) swell as a reaction to Kambo venom. Otherwise, however, clients must not fast in the 3 days before or after a ceremony. Furthermore colonics, enemas, and liver flushes are prohibited for the same duration. So in conclusion – no, Kambo does not have to be an ‘ordeal medicine’, drinking a large amount of water at the start is totally unnecessary and extremely uncomfortable.